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The Asian Diet: The World’s Healthiest Diet

Health problems are rampant in our modern society. Heart disease, diabetes, high cholesterol, cancer – these are generally known as “Western diseases,” because they are most common in Western countries like the U.S. and Canada. In Eastern Asian countries, these diseases are rare (and in some cases, nonexistent).

Why is there such a big difference? The answer lies in the Asian Diet. Much more than just great-tasting food, the Asian Diet is the culmination of nearly 5,000 years of dietary, health and culinary wisdom. If you wish to achieve complete and total health, you need to look no further, because the Asian Diet will provide you with what you need. Below you will find a list of all the health benefits that the Asian Diet can provide you with:

Easy and effective weight loss

The Asian Diet is a plant-based low-calorie, low-fat diet, meaning it is the ideal choice for those seeking to lose weight the natural and healthy way.

Lower risk of diabetes, heart disease, stroke, and cancer

These diseases are extremely common in Western countries but traditionally rare in Asian countries, and health experts have attributed it to the large amount of vegetables and whole grains, and low amounts of meat and fat in the Asian Diet.

Lower blood pressure, blood glucose, and cholesterol levels

The Asian Diet contains much less salt than the Western Diet, which helps prevent high blood pressure. It also has lower sugar levels, which will prevent high blood glucose (and diabetes). Lower levels of meat and animal fats means lower cholesterol levels.

More balanced emotions and lower stress levels

Nutrition experts attribute this to the large amount of green leafy vegetables and whole grains, and overall balanced nature of the Asian Diet.

Better sleep

Green tea is well-known for being able to provide more restful, better-quality sleep. Don’t drink any other kind of tea, because they will have the opposite effect and make you more alert instead!

Improved energy, focus, concentration, mental acuity, and clarity of thinking

If you need to stay alert and active at your job or anywhere else, consider drinking tea (black tea and oolong tea are the most popular choices). It is much healthier than coffee or soda, which is what most Westerners tend to drink.

Improved metabolism, circulation, and digestion

The Asian Diet is a 100% natural diet, which means that it is easily digested by your body. This in turn speeds up your metabolism (another reason why it helps you lose weight) and improves circulation.

Looking and feeling younger
Clearer, younger-looking skin and a healthier glow

Acne is a common skin problem in Western countries, but rare in Asia. Experts have attributed it to the natural Asian Diet, which is free of processed food and junk food.

Not getting sick as often

Studies have shown that eating more fruits and vegetables (like those found in the Asian Diet) and less meat can prevent against common illnesses like the flu.

Removal of toxins from your body

Once again, the large amounts of fresh, organic fruits, vegetables and whole grains are the reason, and they will naturally flush those toxins out of your body.

Joint and muscle pain relief
Improved strength and flexibility

The improved circulation that the Asian Diet will provide you with can give you relief from joint and muscle pain. Many foods in the Asian Diet also have anti-inflammatory properties that will relieve conditions such as arthritis.


Experience the amazing weight loss and health benefits of the Asian Diet yourself with our flagship ebook, How To Lose Weight With The Asian Diet. It’s jam-packed with simple and delicious recipes that anyone can make, to help you lose weight and take your health to the next level.